• my mission:

    to support others in discovering and nurturing their creative self

    for sustainable healing and growth



    about the logo:

    the top symbol is a fermata which means
    "hold whatever is below for as long as you want".
    the bottom symbol is a whole rest.
    this is a reminder to myself and my clients that
    our minds and bodies deserve rest and care
    as much as we need
  • about me

    Nathan MD Lydian





    • graduate student in Music Therapy and Counseling at Drexel University (currently on leave of absence )
      • clinical practica        
        • Princeton House Behavioral Health
        • Royer Greaves School for the Blind
        • Stephen and Sandra Sheller 11th Street Family Health Services
    • Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance from Cal Poly Pomona University (2017)


    • nonbinary, pansexual
    • relationship anarchist
    • neurodivergent
    • survivor of complex trauma
    • chronically ill and disabled
    • White, aspiring ally to all Black and Brown people


    • childcare provider (2016-present)
    • private music teacher (2017-present)
    • intern, MuralArts Philadelphia (2019)
    • summer camp counselor and volunteer (2014-2017)
    • percussion instructor (2013-2016)


    • trauma-informed and resource-oriented care
    • art as harm reduction
    • accessibility in therapy and medicine
    • neurodivergent and disabled advocacy
    • theory of creativity
    • relationship anarchy
  • client testimonials

    "The guided meditation has been clamorous in me to discover my true North. I feel a change in my inner being."

    -deBowat (client, 2021)